Integrating scientific inquiry and design practice in climate adaptation ( + )
About Climate Pilots

The Climate Pilots research platform advances geographically specific approaches to climate adaptation. Integrating scientific methods with design practice, we examine the spatial and cultural implications of climatic impacts and effects; frame problems of adaptation in terms of the built environment; and develop multi-sited pilot projects to draw inferences and yield insights anchored in particular places. We focus on projects that mediate across scales from the bioregion to the site-level. See our index, projects, and papers for the latest news.

About Helen Kongsgaard

Helen Kongsgaard's research situates design within the emergent field of climate adaptation and examines the concepts, methods, and practices at work as cities and regions adapt to climate change. In practice, she integrates design within scenarios of environmental transformation, often working as part of a collaborative team. Kongsgaard holds an MLA from Harvard University, where her research was supported by the Center for Geographic Analysis, the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, and the Radcliffe Institute.